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Rosh Hashanah 5763
You should be inscribed for a good & sweet year!
The Rebbe explains that Rosh Hashanah isn’t only the first day of the year. It’s also the “head” and “brain” (which contain everything) of the entire year.
Link up to various locations and learn about the inner meaning of the “head” of the year and its holidays and mitzvot (divine commandments), as well as the inner meaning of the Sabbatical year.

               What does the sound of the shofar tell us?
The Rebbe explains the inner significance of the shofar by way of illustration from the Baal Shem Tov and Rav Levi Yitzchak from Berdichev.
“…until the king’s son came to the royal courtyard and started to show them that he was the king’s son. No one paid attention. He began screaming at the top of his lungs in order that the king would recognize him. The king in fact recognized him and said it was his son’s oppressed voice, which in essence aroused the king’s love towards his son to the point where he began kissing and hugging him”.
[ For further reference click: ì÷åèé ùéçåú ëøê ì"ã òîåã 183]
               The Sabbatical year
The upcoming Rosh Hashanah occurs on Shabbat. The Shabbat, with all of its holiness and loftiness can express itself in the form of physical delight on Shabbat. From this we can learn that such a lofty holiness can influence the readily seen conduct of a Jew to the point where he’s referred to as “Shabbat” in contrast to his surroundings!
“…. The Zohar gives special reference to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai as a “holy Sabbatical year to G-d”. All of the Jewish leaders throughout the generations were like wise regarded, up until the last leaders, including the leader of our generation, as “Shabbat of the Shabbat”, whereas their holiness illuminates in a most sublime manner”. The word in Hebrew “nasi”- leader, is related to a similar word in Hebrew “hitnasut”- sublime).
[ For further reference click: äúååòãåéåú ùðú úùî"è ëøê ã' òîåã 325]
               Sabbatical year doesn’t imply cessation
The Sabbatical year isn’t a time when everything stops. On the contrary, it is designed and should be utilized for changing physical working routines into more spiritual ones.
“…The concept of “going to bed” is applicable only after 120 years of living, and until then, a person has to go out and work until the evening…”
“…In a similar manner we should regard the Sabbatical year as a year of leaving the corporeal aspect of working the ground and entering the spiritual realm in the service of G-d. Those who work the ground should now awaken themselves in search of G-d”.
[ For further reference click: äúååòãåéåú ùðú úùî"æ ëøê ã' òîåã 132]